This week we have the privilege of having Grant Crawford share with us.
We hope that this message will challenge and encourage you, Enjoy!
Frontline - Part 1: What Does It Mean To Be A Base Church? By Steve Wimble - There is a spiritual battle of epic proportions waging. Jesus Christ came to establish His kingdom and destroy the works of the devil. His chosen means to accomplish this is His church.
In the Bible we see three churches that functioned as bases and had a major influence on their cities and regions.
In this series we will learn from these base churches and why they were so influential in spreading the Gospel.
The Power Of Forgiveness - Week 2 By Steve Wimble - Has someone ever done something to you that you really struggled to forgive?
Or is there a situation in your life right now where you are finding it difficult to forgive We all have stories of pain that others have caused us... Spouses being cheated on or abandoned, business dealings that went sour, stories of abuse (verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse).
Some of it may have been inadvertent - people didn’t realize they had caused us pain - while other pain was very deliberate. Is it possible to live completely healed and whole from the pain of the past? In Christ – an emphatic YES.
In this two-part series we look at one aspect of living completely healed and whole: the power of forgiveness.
The Power Of Forgiveness - Week 1 By Steve Wimble - Has someone ever done something to you that you really struggled to forgive?
Or is there a situation in your life right now where you are finding it difficult to forgive We all have stories of pain that others have caused us... Spouses being cheated on or abandoned, business dealings that went sour, stories of abuse (verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse).
Some of it may have been inadvertent - people didn’t realize they had caused us pain - while other pain was very deliberate. Is it possible to live completely healed and whole from the pain of the past? In Christ – an emphatic YES.
In this two-part series we look at one aspect of living completely healed and whole: the power of forgiveness.