Relationship Goals - Week 2 : Become A Great Listener By Dusty Van Niekerk - Every day and in every situation we all experience the power of relationships. From business partnerships to lifelong friendships; from casual acquaintances to committed marriages, relationships are a substantial and significant aspect of life. And they should be. God created us as relational beings.
Many of us, though, are looking for the other people in our lives to change in order to improve our relationships. The question is: what should I be changing in order to become more Christ-like in my relationships?
Relationship Goals - Week 1: Being Gracious By Steve Wimble - Every day and in every situation we all experience the power of relationships. From business partnerships to lifelong friendships; from casual acquaintances to committed marriages, relationships are a substantial and significant aspect of life. And they should be. God created us as relational beings.
Many of us, though, are looking for the other people in our lives to change in order to improve our relationships. The question is: what should I be changing in order to become more Christ-like in my relationships?
Angus Buchan Service - This week we have the privilege of having Angus Buchan come and share with us.
We hope that this message will challenge & encourage you.
Living By Faith By Steve Wimble - This week Steve shares with us on the topic of "Living By Faith".
We hope this message will challenge and encourage you!
Daniel | Week 4 - Dangerous Prayers By Ed Strong - The astonishing story of four young men carried away from their home country as captives of war challenges our faith. As exiles in the land of the invaders they were hard pressed to follow God in a culture that didn’t.
Their resolve and courage in the face of danger and death is awe-inspiring. The lessons that they learned are ones that we must learn as well if we are to flourish where God has planted us.