This Sunday Dusty shared a challenging message on the true essence of worship. He reminded us that if the root of our worship isn't healthy then the expression of our worship cannot be healthy either.
We hope this message encourages and inspires you this week ahead.
This past Sunday, Yolande Korkie shared about some of her story and how even as we serve God we still may experience suffering. But God is with us in it, guiding and leading us.
We hope this message challenges and inspires you this week ahead!
For our last week of the Noah series, Steve shared a challenging message on covenants.
He shared on bapstism, breaking of bread & marriage, and how these are covenants.
We hope this message encourages and inspires you.
This last sunday, for week three of our Noah series, Steve shared a challening message on understanding why covenant is important.
We hope this message encourages and inspires you this week ahead!